Giving a voice to museum people in the North West since 1927
Making museums places for everyone – innovative approaches shared at NWFed’s annual conference
NWFed Board Member, Eleanor, reviews our recent In Conversation event at Manchester Museum As well as being a wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with other museum professionals from across the North West, and hear about some incredible projects that have been happening in our region, NWFed’s ‘In Conversation: Museums – Places for Everyone event’ on Thursday 12 October 2023 ...
Mon Nov 13
NEWS: Introducing New NWFED Board Member, Alex Walker
The NWFed is pleased to announce the appointment of new Board member, Alex Walker, who is currently acting as the North West's representative of the Museums Association. Despite recently retiring from her position as Head of Arts and Heritage at the Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Alex is continuing to remain highly active within the sector across the North West and nationally. Alex recently become ...
Tue Sep 13
NEWS: Money Matters – A New Creative Teaching and Learning Resource for Teachers
  The Harris Museum has a nationally important 12,500 item strong numismatic collection which was formerly underused. The Money Matters Project funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation started in 2014 has transformed how this fantastic collection is used. As well as repacking and cataloguing the collection, the project has allowed the Harris to network with other museums and share expertise. As ...
Tue Jul 5