Giving a voice to museum people in the North West since 1927
In Conversation: Museums as Places for Everyone
Our next In Conversation Join us at Manchester Museum on 12th October 2023 for our nextIn Conversation event for members. The conference will also include our annual brief AGM when we will welcome new members to our board. Places are limited, so why not book today? This year’s theme is Museums - Places for Everyone and will look at museums’ ...
Thu Aug 17
NEWS: NWFed Event – Developing University Partnerships Report
In the newly re-opened Norton Priory Museum a small group of museum professional from numerous organisations across the North West gathered to listen to case studies from organisations that have successfully established and developed partnerships with universities to aid their research and develop new income streams. Frank Hargrave, Director of Norton Priory, welcomed everyone and started the day’s presentations with ...
Fri Oct 28